A new generation of UV absorbents, OMNISTAB ®UV 1600


聚合物材料对于现代建筑业来说是一种神奇的资源。几乎所有建筑内构材料都可以用塑料代替:窗户,门把手,炊具,墙壁表面。聚合物材料因其可以如玻璃般透明,颜色丰富,形状多样化,及其质量非常轻的特点,备受人们的青睐。但是在生产过程中,我们必须向高分子聚合物中加入添加剂,以提高聚合物耐候性,增加其使用寿命。寻找能在产品内部和表面发挥作用,使产品暴露在恶劣环境下仍能保持产品精致的外观,成为了聚合物生产商们一直以来追求的目标。现在,青岛德达志成化工已经成功研发出新一代三嗪类高效紫外线吸收剂OMNISTAB® UV-1600

Polymers are a miracle resource for modern architecture. Almost all building interior material can be replaced by plastic, or other polymer. Its diversity leaves nothing to be desired: transparent like glass, available in a wide range of colors and playful forms - almost anything is possible. Additionally, plastics weigh much less than traditional materials. Polymer additives are also essential during manufacturing processes so that the surfaces can maintain their exquisite look despite being exposed to decades of changing weather conditions and sunlight. In order to keep the appearance of the polymer product in the harsh environment, manufacturers have been searching for some kinds of additives to keep the appearance of their products. And now, DELTACHEM has successfully developed the new generation triazines UV absorber —— OMNISTAB® UV-1600.


紫外吸收性及耐候性优异的特点使得欧稳德® UV-1600格外适合于建筑行业。由于现在许多建筑设施不单只有玻璃表面,而且有很大一部分区域表面使用的是透明聚合物材料(包括大型购物商场,办公写字楼,足球场等体育场馆及农业温室大棚),欧稳德® UV-1600可以在其中发挥优秀的紫外线阻隔作用。

The high level of radiation that OMNISTAB® UV-1600 absorbs makes it the most powerful UV protector. This additive with excellent resistance to heat has particularly incited interest in the construction industry - from large-scale shopping centers and office buildings to football stadiums and high-quality greenhouses. Many large buildings these days not only contain glass surfaces but also a considerable number of transparent surfaces made of plastics. OMNISTAB® UV-1600 can play a good role in UV absorption in these aspects.

欧稳德® UV-1600特点简介:

1. 吸收紫外线波长范围广且高效;


3. 极佳的耐候性,可以承受长时间的恶劣天气条件;

OMNISTAB® UV-1600's properties:

1. High-performance UV protection from the triazine class which effectively absorb rays with a large wavelength range;

2. Can be used with a wide range of polymers such as polycarbonates, PET, acrylics and many other materials.

3. The ideal solution for all those surfaces that need to withstand years and decades of different weather conditions.

欧稳德® UV-1600适用材料体系简介:

1.  PETPBTPC(线性及支链状);

2. 聚醚酯、PMMA、丙烯酸共聚物;


4.  其他多种对产品透明性有要求的聚合物产品中;

OMNISTAB® UV-1600's applicable material system:

1. PET, PBT, PC (Linear and Branched);

2. TPEE, PMMA, Acrylic copolymer;

3.PA, PS, SAN, ASA, Polyolefins;

4.Other polymer products that are required for transparency;


欧稳德® UV-1600能为很多种聚合物材料提供极为长久的保护,可以说UV 1600专为保护材料外表面薄层而开发,有助于长时间保持板材,薄膜和纤维的机械性能、颜色及透明度。其优异的紫外线吸收能力可以将严苛的气候环境造成的外观损失降到最低。欧稳德® UV-1600在性能和使用方面均优于市面上的现有产品。

OMNISTAB® UV-1600 can provide many polymer materials for a long time protection, specifically developing for the protection of the outer surface of the thin layer. UV 1600 helps to maintain a long-term mechanical properties, color and transparency of sheet, film and fiber. Its excellent ultraviolet absorption ability can minimize the loss caused by harsh climate environment. OMNISTAB® UV-1600 performs better than the UV absorbers already available on the market.

欧稳德® UV-1600产品由我司以色列实验室自主研发,获取其他产品信息可登录我司官方网站www.deltachem.net查询。

OMNISTAB® UV-1600 are developed by our Israel Laboratory, more information about products can be found in our official website:www.deltachem.net.

+86 187 6629 9236