Omnistab UV-538

Omnistab UV-538

· Chemical Name:4-Dodecyloxy-2-hydroxybenzophenone

· CAS:2985-59-3

· Molecular formula:C25H34O3

· Molecular weight:382.54

Structural formula:
Omnistab UV-538

This product is suitable for polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, AS resin, ABS resin, polycarbonate, PVC, polyvinylidene chloride, polyester and polyamide.

AppearanceLight yellow crystals
Assay(HPLC)99.00% min
Melting point47.00-49.00℃
Ash0.10% max
Volatile0.50% max
450nm95.00% min
500nm97.00% min

Storage and transportation

20/25kg carton / cardboard barrel.

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*Charge: $100 for each product