“DELTEK”brand trademark successfully registered


Recently, the "DELTEK" trademark of Deltachem(Qingdao) Co., Ltd was registered successfully.

The company's trademark is composed of two parts in Chinese and English, representing the company's future strategic decision on the layout of markets; "DEL" represents Deltachem(Qingdao) Co., Ltd; "TEK" represents that the group will develop in the direction of high-tech in the future, pay more attention to science and technology investment, and "Tai" also has the beautiful meaning of peace and prosperity for the country and the people, the home and the country. It shows the company's confidence in the brand.


The successful registration of the "DELTEK" trademark not only enables the mark to be protected by the national compulsory force, but also has a positive significance for enriching the enterprise brand and expanding the influence of the enterprise, marking that Deltachem has made another great step in brand building.

At present, Deltachem already has "OMNISTAB" and " DELTEK", which serve the business operations of the Group, and we are also supplementing trademark registration in other regions to make trademark protection more comprehensive.


In the future, we will continue to improve customer recognition of our brand, to improve the value of the trademark , to provide more professional services for the partners.

+86 187 6629 9236