Valued customers,
The year of 2021 has come with the deep influence from the global public health emergency(COVID-19), which has posed not only a serious threat to the life and health of people in many countries, but also posed a major risk to world economic development.
With the development of science and technology, as well as the improvement of human quality, we have confidence that the epidemic will finally be defeated.But, we should clearly realize that, due to the influence from the epidemic, the world-wide economy should recover in a long run. Also, we should have adequate and sober recognition for production, supplying and transportation, in post-epidemic period.2021年已在新冠疫情的持续影响下悄然开篇,我们不得不承认这场突发的全球性公共卫生事件不仅给许多国家人民生命安全和身体健康带来严重威胁,也给世界经济发展带来重大风险。但多年来科技的进步、人民素质的提升,让我们有信心打赢这场胜仗。同时我们需要清醒的认识到,由于疫情的影响,全球经济发展放缓并须要在相当长的一段时期内缓慢恢复。对于后疫情时代的生产、供应、物流我们都需要有充分且清醒的预判。The prices of raw materials have been dramatically rising since 2020Q4.The prices of acetone and phenol have been doubled since 2020Q3, which pushed up the prices of Omnistab™ HALS & antioxidant & UV absorbers products. The soaring prices of other basic raw materials have become the keynote of chemical production. The whole group is suffering much from the rising prices, as most raw materials are purchased from China mainland.丙酮、苯酚等原材料价格相对于2020三季度已经翻倍,直接推高了我司欧稳德™受阻胺类光稳定剂、抗氧剂、紫外线吸收剂相关产品的成本。其他基础原材料的价格暴涨已然成为当下化工生产的基调。我司相关原材料大多采购自中国大陆,因此原材料成本的上升对于我司整体成本核算有深刻影响。Also, due to the impact of COVID-19 epidemic, international logistics capacity dropped a lot, leading to a sharp rise in sea shipment freight. The port congestion, less arranged containers have aggravated the rising costs in sea shipment market. The air transport of epidemic prevention supplies also pushes the rising cost in air shipments market.It shows that the average shipping cost has hit the top in recent ten years.同时,受到疫情影响,国际物流运力下降,导致集装箱船运费大涨。全球各大港口拥堵、压港现象持续,主要船公司更是通过减箱的方式集中运输、降低成本,更加剧了海运的缺箱、涨价情况。来自于防疫物资需求极速增长的压力,也使得航空运输一仓难求。The RMB is constantly appreciating since 2nd half of 2020. Supported by the Sino-US interest rate differential and strong demand from foreign investors for Chinese assets, the RMB is expected to be appreciating further in 2021. Thus the Chinese exporters are faced with huge pressure from the appreciation of RMB.人民币持续走强,在中美息差及外国投资者对中国资产的强劲需求支持下,预期人民币兑美元未来一年将进一步走强,出口企业正在承受着人民币升值所带来的巨大压力。To conclude, increasing production costs, tight supplying, higher shipping costs, exchange rate pressure are still the the key words in (at least) 1st half of 2021 for the chemical industry.生产成本上升、供应持续紧张、运输费用飙升、汇率重重加码依然是2021年(至少)上半年的关键词。The group adheres to the customer service for the purpose, and ensure supply as the first goal. We have tried our best to maximize cost absorption and maintain the quotations, but we would reserve the right to adjust the prices according to the market fluctuation when necessary. Your kind understanding is highly appreciated.德达志成秉承服务客户为目的,以保证供应为第一目标,最大限度消化成本上升、维护产品报价,但保留在原材料价格超出成本预期的情况下进行价格调整的权利,感谢您的理解。At last, we are here to announce the holiday arrangements as below:Office closed: Feb. 11th-17th, 2021Logisitcs stop: Feb. 1st-21st, 2021 (scheduled)The Asian-pacific factories would stop and examine the facility during mid. of Jan. till end of Feb. by convention, so only limited stocks are available during this period and orders would be arranged in consequence.It’s highly suggested that all purchasing schedule should be considered in advance.最后,在中国的新春佳节来临之际,我司将放假安排通知如下:如惯例,我司亚太地区各家工厂会在1月中旬到2月底,进行设备检查和维护。期间只有在具备运输条件的时间段发送库存货物,复产后会根据订单顺序依次交货。Thank you for your support always,